Author: stein89jp
Sit somewhere else
Requester wanted to change the scenery since the background was kind of boring. I.e he wanted to sit somewhere else.
Make it look cool
Requester took a photo of his car and asked to make it look cooler.
Somewhere dangerous
Requester wanted everyone to put this person on a mountain and/or in somewhere dangerous.
Vampire Cat
There was a request where the person wanted his cosplaying vampire cat to be as if he’s looking over his prey. Really liked the end results on this one.
The Simpsons sofa
Requester wanted a funny picture of his dad when he’s sitting on his sofa. First thing that came to my mind was The Simpsons sofa so photoshopped him into it. Click the pictures to see them larger
Bucket of chicken!
The requester wanted a bucket of chicken in the person’s lap.
Myself as a soldier
Decided I wanted to see if I could make myself as a soldier composition. I began to search for all the materials I could use and made the picture below.
Space Robot Composition
Made this space robot composition for a r/photoshopbattles competition. Thought it would be funny if the robot looked like as if he was working as a statellite.
Daughter as Wednesday
Recently watched “Wednesday” on Netflix and since I kinda liked it with the dark theme and all I decided to do a composition using my own daughter as Wednesday.